Thursday, 7 June 2018

How to add/whitelist IP's to firewall table in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations (AX 7)

Below is the query to add the IP addresses to the firewall table(sys.database_firewall_rules) in AX 7.0 to access the database from outside.

Run the below query to see existing IP's
select * from sys.database_firewall_rules;

I executed the below queries to add the IP addresses to the table.

-- Create database-level firewall setting for only for one IP EXECUTE sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'Example DB Setting 1', '', ''; -- Update database-level firewall setting to create a range of allowed IP addresses EXECUTE sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'Example DB Setting 1', '', '';

Note: My AX is on cloud and we created a custom screen in AX to run the queries.

Below are the links helped me.


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