Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Get Unused Financial Dimensions in AX 2012
Below is the code for getting the unused financial dimensions in AX 2012.
Here I wrote code for Department.
static void finacialDimValues(Args _args)
DimensionAttribute dimAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimAttributeValue;
DimensionAttributeLevelValue dimAttributeLevelValue;
DimensionAttributeValueGroup dimAttributeValueGroup;
DimensionHierarchy dimHierarchy;
Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
DictEnum dictEnum = new DictEnum(enumNum(OMOperatingUnitType));
TableId entityId;
RecId entityInstance;
DataAreaId dataAreaId;
RecId financialTagCategoryId;
TableId roleViewId;
OMOperatingUnit oMOperatingUnit;
DimensionAttributeValueSetItem dimAttributeValueSetItem;
while select oMOperatingUnit where oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitType == OMOperatingUnitType::OMDepartment
roleViewId = dict.tableName2Id(strFmt('DimAttribute%1', dictEnum.index2Symbol(oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitType)));
[entityId, entityInstance, dataAreaId, financialTagCategoryId] = DimensionEnabledType::getFieldsForDeleteOrRename(oMOperatingUnit, roleViewId);
// select firstOnly dimAttributeValueSetItem where dimAttributeValueSetItem.DisplayValue == oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitNumber;
select firstonly RecId from dimAttributeLevelValue
exists join dimAttributeValue where
dimAttributeValue.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue &&
dimAttributeValue.EntityInstance == entityInstance &&
dimAttributeValue.IsDeleted == false
exists join dimAttribute where
dimAttribute.RecId == dimAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute &&
dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == entityId
exists join dimAttributeValueGroup where
dimAttributeValueGroup.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValueGroup
notExists join dimHierarchy where
dimHierarchy.RecId == dimAttributeValueGroup.DimensionHierarchy &&
dimHierarchy.StructureType == DimensionHierarchyType::Focus;
else if(!OMMultipleHierarchy::checkExistenceInHierarchy(omOperatingUnit.RecId))
SQL query:
select * from DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT where not exists(
select * from DimensionAttributeLevelValue
join DimensionAttributeValue on
DimensionAttributeValue.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue and
DimensionAttributeValue.EntityInstance = DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT.RECID and
DimensionAttributeValue.IsDeleted = 0
join DimensionAttribute on
DimensionAttribute.RecId = DimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute and
DimensionAttribute.BackingEntityType = 11765
join DimensionAttributeValueGroup on
DimensionAttributeValueGroup.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValueGroup where
not exists(select * from DimensionHierarchy where
DimensionHierarchy.RecId = DimensionAttributeValueGroup.DIMENSIONHIERARCHY and
DimensionHierarchy.StructureType = 6))
@Rahul Talasila
Here I wrote code for Department.
static void finacialDimValues(Args _args)
DimensionAttribute dimAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimAttributeValue;
DimensionAttributeLevelValue dimAttributeLevelValue;
DimensionAttributeValueGroup dimAttributeValueGroup;
DimensionHierarchy dimHierarchy;
Dictionary dict = new Dictionary();
DictEnum dictEnum = new DictEnum(enumNum(OMOperatingUnitType));
TableId entityId;
RecId entityInstance;
DataAreaId dataAreaId;
RecId financialTagCategoryId;
TableId roleViewId;
OMOperatingUnit oMOperatingUnit;
DimensionAttributeValueSetItem dimAttributeValueSetItem;
while select oMOperatingUnit where oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitType == OMOperatingUnitType::OMDepartment
roleViewId = dict.tableName2Id(strFmt('DimAttribute%1', dictEnum.index2Symbol(oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitType)));
[entityId, entityInstance, dataAreaId, financialTagCategoryId] = DimensionEnabledType::getFieldsForDeleteOrRename(oMOperatingUnit, roleViewId);
// select firstOnly dimAttributeValueSetItem where dimAttributeValueSetItem.DisplayValue == oMOperatingUnit.OMOperatingUnitNumber;
select firstonly RecId from dimAttributeLevelValue
exists join dimAttributeValue where
dimAttributeValue.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue &&
dimAttributeValue.EntityInstance == entityInstance &&
dimAttributeValue.IsDeleted == false
exists join dimAttribute where
dimAttribute.RecId == dimAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute &&
dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == entityId
exists join dimAttributeValueGroup where
dimAttributeValueGroup.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValueGroup
notExists join dimHierarchy where
dimHierarchy.RecId == dimAttributeValueGroup.DimensionHierarchy &&
dimHierarchy.StructureType == DimensionHierarchyType::Focus;
else if(!OMMultipleHierarchy::checkExistenceInHierarchy(omOperatingUnit.RecId))
SQL query:
select * from DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT where not exists(
select * from DimensionAttributeLevelValue
join DimensionAttributeValue on
DimensionAttributeValue.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue and
DimensionAttributeValue.EntityInstance = DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT.RECID and
DimensionAttributeValue.IsDeleted = 0
join DimensionAttribute on
DimensionAttribute.RecId = DimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute and
DimensionAttribute.BackingEntityType = 11765
join DimensionAttributeValueGroup on
DimensionAttributeValueGroup.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValueGroup where
not exists(select * from DimensionHierarchy where
DimensionHierarchy.RecId = DimensionAttributeValueGroup.DIMENSIONHIERARCHY and
DimensionHierarchy.StructureType = 6))
@Rahul Talasila
Get unused Project categories In AX 2012
Below is the code for getting the unused project dimensions in AX.
Note : Please create a table(Test) with two string fields.
Note : Please create a table(Test) with two string fields.
static void ProjCategory(Args _args)
ProjUnpostedTransView projUnpostedTransView;
ProjPostTransView projPostTransView;
CategoryTable categoryTable;
Test test;
int iCounter;
delete_from test;
while select * from categoryTable
select firstOnly projPostTransView where projPostTransView.CategoryId == categoryTable.CategoryId;
// else if(!projPostTransView)
// {
select firstonly projUnpostedTransView where projUnpostedTransView. CategoryId == categoryTable.CategoryId;
test.AccountNum = categoryTable.CategoryId;
test.Name = categoryTable.CategoryName;
SQL Query:
select * from CATEGORYTABLE where not exists
( select * from projPostTransView where CATEGORYTABLE.CategoryId = projPostTransView.CategoryId) and
not exists (select * from ProjLedgerJournalTransUnpostedView where CATEGORYTABLE.CategoryId = ProjLedgerJournalTransUnpostedView.CATEGORYID)
@Rahul Talasila
Get Unused Main Accounts In AX 2012
Below is the AX code for getting the unused main accounts for a legal entity.
Note : Please create a table (TestMainaccounts) with two string fields.
static void Ledgeraccounts(Args _args)
DimensionAttribute dimAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimAttributeValue;
DimensionAttributeLevelValue dimAttributeLevelValue;
TestMainaccounts test;
Ledger Ledger;
LedgerChartOfAccounts ledgerChartOfAccounts;
FiscalCalendarPeriod fiscalCalendarPeriod;
//OGILedgerDimensionTable oGILedgerDimensionTable;
MainAccount mainAccount, mainAccountLoc; //Holds the main accounts
GeneralJournalEntry generalJournalEntry; //Used to hold Ledger transactions
GeneralJournalAccountEntry generalJournalAccountEntry; //Used to hold Ledger transactions
SubledgerJournalEntry subLedgerJournalEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)
SubledgerJournalAccountEntry subLedgerJournalAccountEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)
DimensionAttributeValueCombination dimAttrValueComb; //Used to store the combination of main accounts and dimensions
int i;
container conCompanies ;//= [ 'cm1', 'cm2', 'dat' ];
CompanyInfo companyInfo;
container concreteCompanies;
int concreteCompanyCount;
CompanyId currentConcreteCompany;
boolean canDelete;
SysDictTable tableToCheck;
TableId entityId;
RecId entityInstance;
DataAreaId dataAreaId;
RecId financialTagCategoryId;
Common _table;
TableId _roleViewId = 0;
delete_from test;
while select mainAccountLoc
_table = mainAccountLoc;
[entityId, entityInstance, dataAreaId, financialTagCategoryId] = DimensionEnabledType::getFieldsForDeleteOrRename(_table, _roleViewId);
select * FROM generalJournalAccountEntry
JOIN dimAttrValueComb where generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension == dimAttrValueComb.RecId
JOIN mainAccount where dimAttrValueComb.MainAccount == mainAccount.RecId
&& mainAccount.MainAccountId == mainAccountLoc.MainAccountId//"10604100"
JOIN ledgerChartOfAccounts where mainAccount.LedgerChartOfAccounts == ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId
JOIN Ledger where Ledger.ChartOfAccounts == ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId;
select firstonly RecId from dimAttributeLevelValue
exists join dimAttributeValue where
dimAttributeValue.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue &&
dimAttributeValue.EntityInstance == entityInstance &&
dimAttributeValue.IsDeleted == false
exists join dimAttribute where
dimAttribute.RecId == dimAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute &&
dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == entityId;
if(!generalJournalAccountEntry && !dimAttrValueComb && !dimAttributeLevelValue)// && !ledgerChartOfAccounts && !Ledger)
test.AccountNum = mainAccountLoc.MainAccountId;
test.Name = LedgerChartOfAccounts::find(mainAccountLoc.LedgerChartOfAccounts).Name;
info(strFmt("%1 total records", i));
SQL Query :
select * from MAINACCOUNT as a where not exists(
select * FROM generalJournalAccountEntry
JOIN DimensionAttributeValueCombination on generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension = DimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId
JOIN MAINACCOUNT as b on DimensionAttributeValueCombination.MainAccount = b.RecId and
JOIN ledgerChartOfAccounts on b.LedgerChartOfAccounts = ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId
JOIN Ledger on Ledger.ChartOfAccounts = ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId) and
not exists( select * from DimensionAttributeLevelValue
join DimensionAttributeValue on
DimensionAttributeValue.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue and
DimensionAttributeValue.EntityInstance = a.RECID and
DimensionAttributeValue.IsDeleted = 0
join DimensionAttribute on
DimensionAttribute.RecId = DimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute
and DimensionAttribute.BackingEntityType = 11762)
@Rahul Talasila
Note : Please create a table (TestMainaccounts) with two string fields.
static void Ledgeraccounts(Args _args)
DimensionAttribute dimAttribute;
DimensionAttributeValue dimAttributeValue;
DimensionAttributeLevelValue dimAttributeLevelValue;
TestMainaccounts test;
Ledger Ledger;
LedgerChartOfAccounts ledgerChartOfAccounts;
FiscalCalendarPeriod fiscalCalendarPeriod;
//OGILedgerDimensionTable oGILedgerDimensionTable;
MainAccount mainAccount, mainAccountLoc; //Holds the main accounts
GeneralJournalEntry generalJournalEntry; //Used to hold Ledger transactions
GeneralJournalAccountEntry generalJournalAccountEntry; //Used to hold Ledger transactions
SubledgerJournalEntry subLedgerJournalEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)
SubledgerJournalAccountEntry subLedgerJournalAccountEntry; //Used to hold sub Ledger transactions (Like sales/purch invoice etc.)
DimensionAttributeValueCombination dimAttrValueComb; //Used to store the combination of main accounts and dimensions
int i;
container conCompanies ;//= [ 'cm1', 'cm2', 'dat' ];
CompanyInfo companyInfo;
container concreteCompanies;
int concreteCompanyCount;
CompanyId currentConcreteCompany;
boolean canDelete;
SysDictTable tableToCheck;
TableId entityId;
RecId entityInstance;
DataAreaId dataAreaId;
RecId financialTagCategoryId;
Common _table;
TableId _roleViewId = 0;
delete_from test;
while select mainAccountLoc
_table = mainAccountLoc;
[entityId, entityInstance, dataAreaId, financialTagCategoryId] = DimensionEnabledType::getFieldsForDeleteOrRename(_table, _roleViewId);
select * FROM generalJournalAccountEntry
JOIN dimAttrValueComb where generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension == dimAttrValueComb.RecId
JOIN mainAccount where dimAttrValueComb.MainAccount == mainAccount.RecId
&& mainAccount.MainAccountId == mainAccountLoc.MainAccountId//"10604100"
JOIN ledgerChartOfAccounts where mainAccount.LedgerChartOfAccounts == ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId
JOIN Ledger where Ledger.ChartOfAccounts == ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId;
select firstonly RecId from dimAttributeLevelValue
exists join dimAttributeValue where
dimAttributeValue.RecId == dimAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue &&
dimAttributeValue.EntityInstance == entityInstance &&
dimAttributeValue.IsDeleted == false
exists join dimAttribute where
dimAttribute.RecId == dimAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute &&
dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == entityId;
if(!generalJournalAccountEntry && !dimAttrValueComb && !dimAttributeLevelValue)// && !ledgerChartOfAccounts && !Ledger)
test.AccountNum = mainAccountLoc.MainAccountId;
test.Name = LedgerChartOfAccounts::find(mainAccountLoc.LedgerChartOfAccounts).Name;
info(strFmt("%1 total records", i));
SQL Query :
select * from MAINACCOUNT as a where not exists(
select * FROM generalJournalAccountEntry
JOIN DimensionAttributeValueCombination on generalJournalAccountEntry.LedgerDimension = DimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId
JOIN MAINACCOUNT as b on DimensionAttributeValueCombination.MainAccount = b.RecId and
JOIN ledgerChartOfAccounts on b.LedgerChartOfAccounts = ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId
JOIN Ledger on Ledger.ChartOfAccounts = ledgerChartOfAccounts.RecId) and
not exists( select * from DimensionAttributeLevelValue
join DimensionAttributeValue on
DimensionAttributeValue.RecId = DimensionAttributeLevelValue.DimensionAttributeValue and
DimensionAttributeValue.EntityInstance = a.RECID and
DimensionAttributeValue.IsDeleted = 0
join DimensionAttribute on
DimensionAttribute.RecId = DimensionAttributeValue.DimensionAttribute
and DimensionAttribute.BackingEntityType = 11762)
@Rahul Talasila
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Display methods in D365 Finance Forms SSRS reports
Display method in Forms
In AX7 we don’t have the option to create methods on table extension, so we should use the extension class to do that. The example below will show how to create a display method on the table extension class and use on a form extension.
First create your table extension class and your display method following the example below:
| public static class MyCustTable_Extension { [SysClientCacheDataMethodAttribute( true )] //This attribute will cache your display method. public static display Name myDisplayName(CustTable _this) { return _this.nameAlias() + "myDisplayName" ; //Do here your display method as usual. } } |
To use your display method on the form, create your new field on the form extension and use the property as below:

To cache your display method on the form set on the field the property “Cache Data Method” = yes if you don’t want to use the Attribute above.

Display method in SSRS reports
f you are developing report based on query rather on based on RDP, you may want to make use of some display methods, but those may not work. “Not work” means no error in compilation or build, everything great but you may not see any results while you run the report. The returned data can be empty.
If so is the case, I would recommend to create a View and write display methods on the view. Now the display methods which are coming from View, will show you results properly.
For more details please see below URL's.
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
How to disable a form control in AX 365
// <summary>
/// Created by Rahul - 08/15/2017 for disabling LogisticsPostalAddress_Street control
/// </summary>
class LogisticsPostalAddress_EventHandler
/// <summary>
/// We are disabling LogisticsPostalAddress_Street control here
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
[PostHandlerFor(formStr(LogisticsPostalAddress), formMethodStr(LogisticsPostalAddress, updateControls))]
public static void LogisticsPostalAddress_Post_updateControls(XppPrePostArgs args)
FormRun sender = Args.getThis();
sender.control(sender.controlId(formControlStr(LogisticsPostalAddress, LogisticsPostalAddress_Street ))).allowEdit (false);
Or second way
[FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(SalesTable, ButtonLineInventory), FormControlEventType::Clicked)]
public static void ButtonLineInventory_OnClicked(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e)
FormDataSource salesLine_ds = sender.formRun().dataSource("salesLine"); //DataSource form CustTable
FormRun element = sender.formRun(); //form element
FormControl buttonLineInventReservation ="buttonLineInventReservation"); //New button on the form
Please refer below post also.
/// Created by Rahul - 08/15/2017 for disabling LogisticsPostalAddress_Street control
/// </summary>
class LogisticsPostalAddress_EventHandler
/// <summary>
/// We are disabling LogisticsPostalAddress_Street control here
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
[PostHandlerFor(formStr(LogisticsPostalAddress), formMethodStr(LogisticsPostalAddress, updateControls))]
public static void LogisticsPostalAddress_Post_updateControls(XppPrePostArgs args)
FormRun sender = Args.getThis();
sender.control(sender.controlId(formControlStr(LogisticsPostalAddress, LogisticsPostalAddress_Street ))).allowEdit (false);
Or second way
[FormControlEventHandler(formControlStr(SalesTable, ButtonLineInventory), FormControlEventType::Clicked)]
public static void ButtonLineInventory_OnClicked(FormControl sender, FormControlEventArgs e)
FormDataSource salesLine_ds = sender.formRun().dataSource("salesLine"); //DataSource form CustTable
FormRun element = sender.formRun(); //form element
FormControl buttonLineInventReservation ="buttonLineInventReservation"); //New button on the form
Please refer below post also.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Friday, 21 April 2017
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Recent versions of Dynamics 365 for Operations
Release | Version | Build number | Availability | Support end date | To learn more |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations platform | Platform update 5 | 7.0.4475.16165 | March 2017 | March 31, 2018 | |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations platform | Platform update 4 | 7.0.4425.16161 | February 2017 | February 28, 2018 | |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations | 1611 | 7.1.1541.3036 | November 2016 | November 30, 2019 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics 365 for Operations version 1611 (November 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations platform | Platform update 3 | 7.0.4307.16141 | November 2016 | November 30, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics 365 for Operations platform update 3 (November 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics AX platform | Platform update 2 | 7.0.4230.16130 | August 2016 | August 31, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics AX platform update 2 (August 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics AX platform | Platform update 1 | 7.0.4127.16103 | May 2016 | May 31, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics AX platform update 1 (May 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics AX application | 7.0.1 | 7.0.1265.23014 | May 2016 | June 30, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics AX application version 7.0.1 (May 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics AX platform | 7.0 | 7.0.4030.16079 | February 2016 | January 31, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics AX 7.0 (February 2016) |
Microsoft Dynamics AX application | 7.0 | 7.0.1265.3015 | February 2016 | June 30, 2017 | What’s new or changed in Dynamics AX 7.0 (February 2016) |
Support matrix
The following table provides information about the multiple releases of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations platform and Dynamics 365 for Operations application, and which versions are supported.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 7.0 | Microsoft Dynamics AX application 7.0.1 | Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (1611) | |
Platform update 5 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Platform update 4 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Platform update 3 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Platform update 2 | Compatible | Compatible | |
Platform update 1 | Compatible | Compatible | |
Platform 7.0 | Compatible |
Update policy
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations is serviced as a cloud offering. Updates to the Dynamics 365 for Operations platform and application will be handled in the following manner:
- Dynamics 365 for Operations cloud platform updates will be initiated by Microsoft. After you provide your consent, platform updates will be rolled out to provide critical updates and features to the Dynamics 365 for Operations cloud platform.
- Dynamics 365 for Operations application updates will be initiated by you, the customer. After you provide your consent, application updates will be applied to your production environment.
Application and platform updates will be scheduled with you, the customer. When platform and application updates are released, a sandbox environment will be made available to you, so that you can validate the updates. For details about how the sandbox environment will be provided, see the licensing guide.
Important: Some updates may be mandatory and require no consent. To help protect our customers and the service, Microsoft may apply critical updates directly to your Dynamics 365 for Operations production environment. If a critical issue is discovered, the following events will occur:
- Microsoft will notify you about the critical update.
- Microsoft will notify you of the required downtime window (if any) and apply the critical update to your Dynamics 365 for Operations production environment.
Dynamics 365 for Operations is supported according to the Microsoft Modern Lifecycle policy, which provides consistent and predictable guidelines for product support availability.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Chnage Session date in Microsoft Dynamics AX 7/365
Accountants would like to easy enter corrections at a month end date. For this reason in previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX there was an option in the Tools menu to change the session date and time. However this menu is not implemented in the new cloud based Dynamics AX, the option to change the current work date is still available. The option is even closer than you might think.
Session date
When you need to process a lot of transactions on a certain date, you can select another date to be defaulted on e.g. general journal lines. This might be a month end date, but also any other date. In the new Microsoft Dynamics AX you can access this option in two ways:
- Date selection on dashboard Calendar control.
- Date/time selection in the Session date and time form.
Calendar control
When Dynamics AX is opened, you will find a calendar control on the left. At startup is will be defaulted with the system date.
You can just select another date on this control to change the session date. A confirmation will be prompted to the user.
When the session date is changed, the current date and the session date both are highlighted on this calendar control.
To take advantage of this you can create e.g. a new general journal and edit the lines. You will notice that the session date will be used as default for the new journal lines.
Session date and time form
You can also change the session date by using the form Session date and time. This can be required if you also need to change the session time. Another (temporary) reason can be found at the end of this document. To open the form, click Menu > Common > Common > Session date and time.
You can then change the session date and or time. To confirm this action you must click the OK button at the bottom of this slider form.
There is more…
Currently in the Technical preview (CTP8) there is an issue when you want to select a date in another year.
So when you want to select e.g. December 31, 2015 while the computer date is in 2016, the wrong date is compiled to be your session date. The month and date is correct, but it is taken the current year (2016). So please check the proposed date carefully before accepting a wrong one.
Changing the date using the Session date and time form to another year is working, so there is a workaround for this issue. I have created Connect feedback to have Microsoft aware of this.
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